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General Trading
PT THEO Teknik Sejahtera
PT. THEO Teknik Sejahtera are services skill for inspection & testing, engineering, assessments. We provide various conventional inspection services and advance NDT Technology, certification & testing, vendor inspection, heat treatment services, insitu metallography, remaining life assessment, electrical assessments, infrared thermography. We also give services of training and consultancy for individual and company to improvement of inspector/operator qualification and equipments / technology applications.
Vision & Mission
Grow with new technology/advance NDT application in inspection service, condition assessment , and consultancy. Most of our clients are involved in oil & gas, geothermal, power plants, inspections company, food industries, governments, fabricator, NDT Suppliers.
Company Biodata
Name of Company : PT THEO TEKNIK SEJAHTERA Akta Pendirian Usaha : Nomer 01, Senin 2 Desember 2019 Notaris Heri Martono, SH
Keputusan Mentri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Republik Indonesia AHU-006392.AH.01.01 Tahun 2019 Nomer Induk Berusaha : 9120 2152 2065 3
Nomer NPWP : 93.604.979.0-005.000
