PT. THEO Teknik Sejahtera was formed in 2019 as
NDT (Non Destructive Test) will do the work as follows :
- Magnetic Particle Test
- Dye Penetrant test
- Ultrasonic flaw detector test & UT Phase array test
- Radiography test
- Eddy current test
- Visual inspection certification
- PMI (Positive Material Indication) testing, load test
What Do NDT Ters Do?
Radiography Test Inspection
Ultrasonic Test Inspection
Ultrasonic Test Inspection
Thickness Painting Inspection
Radiography Interpreter
Liquid Penetrant Test Inspection
Borroscope Inspection
Certification Welder by Migas or Depnaker, WPS & PQR by Migas or Depnaker Treatment, PWHT/post Weld Heat treatment, Pre Heat Hardness measurement/testing hydrotest & vacuum test manpower supply :
Welding Inspector
Technician ( Magnetic Particle, Dye Penetrant, Radiography Interpreter. Ultrasonic technician, Etch)
(UT Phase Aeeay, TOFD, Eddy Current Array)
Phase array is the new inspection technique that have more capability as compared to Conventional NDT (UT, RT). It can happen because Phase Array have capability in probe modification in electronic where it’s probe consist of some element’s probe. Phased Array Presentation display : A,B,C and S scan with accurate sizing.
High speed scanning
Improved capability
Multiple angle inspection
Multiple configuration
Flexible in geometry
Project Experience